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Re: Not sure what to do---depressed
Posted by swoop7
4/22/2012  6:53:00 AM
First thing....don't quit....every new student has been where you are. Afraid to ask a lady to dance because she is a more advanced dancer that you are and you don't want to do the same moves over and over...we all get that...

second....many (not all) lady dancers really don't know their own steps...they rely way too much on the men do push or pull them (literally) in the right place....dancing should flow it shouldn't be a physical contest to get the lady where she needs to go. There's a woman at the studio I attend to admitted that to me one day. She seems to move very well on the floor and she and I were just chatting one day and she mentioned she can follow very well, but she can't dance...there's a difference...point is, don't be afraid and don't think that just because a woman can follow she's a good dancer.

Hang in there...perhaps the studio you attend is the wrong studio for you. Let's all be honest, we stay at our studios because we fit in...we have friends there, we feel comfortable there, etc...when I first started taking lessons, I remember walking in the studio the very first time and I was scared to death....no reason to be that way, but I was. After a shirt while, I became comfortable with all the people and now it's like walking into a friend's house....point is, if you feel odd at your current studio, perhaps it's because you don't interact with the people very well, and you might want to check out other studios.

Just a thought.
Re: Not sure what to do---depressed
Posted by four year student
4/25/2012  12:55:00 PM
Take group line dancing to enhance your motor skills. Find group lessons that devote an entire month to a single dance.

You MUST learn the cadence of each ballroom dance. You MUST practice the cadence each day for an hour. You MUST count as you practice. In order to concentrate on learning steps and leading a partner, you must first be conversant with the cadence.

In the course of advancing from incapable to competent I saw many succeed and many fail.

The successful applied themselves, familiarized themselves with the cadence and progressed.

The failed sabotaged themselves in one or more ways: missed lessons, didn't practice, considered counting as beneath them, failed to learn the cadence.

By cadence I mean the footwork: waltz being 1-2-3 (slow-quick-quick), foxtrot being 1-2-3-4 (slow-slow-quick-quick), etc.
Re: Not sure what to do---depressed
Posted by anymouse
4/26/2012  12:22:00 AM
Must must must...

or not.

In practice, rote issues can take a little effort at certain stages of learning, but the real journey of years is in learning to use the body optimally.

You can be the fastest to master the things beginners worry about or the slowest - in the long run, it really matters not a bit, because the things that beginners are worried about are just not very substantial parts of the overall art of dancing.

Keep with it, give it your best when you can and don't beat yourself up when you can't. The more you learn, the more you will start to discover where the really important challenges of dancing are.
Re: Not sure what to do---depressed
Posted by tiredofdiagrams
4/29/2012  5:04:00 PM
This was first posted two and one-half years ago. How are you doing? So many people obviously care about your dancing, and I'm sure they would like to know.
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